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Personal Project

Banksy is an English street-artist whose identity is anonymous. His works are often from a polilitical and humorous nature. In his street-art he combines graffiti with a template technique which is characteristic for Banksy. The colours he mainly uses are black and white with red as an accent colour.

I have always found Banksy very interesting. Last year we visited London with AMFI and I was desperately searching for a Banksy work in the streets of London. Because that's where you can spot most of his works. But unfortunately I didn't spot anything. But since this year the biggest, most valuable Banksy collection has come to Amsterdam. So this was the perfect timing for me to take a closer look at his work.

I got super inspired by the way he thinks, that I made Banksy related artworks myself. It was very nice to work with politics in a diffrent, funny way. His work makes people think about the related subjects. The subjecs are always about things where people can relate to.

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