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We are KIBO.

1. Kibo: Japanese translation for scale. The scale is a part of the koi fish, as we are a part of Kings Of Indigo.
2. The pattern of this fish scale is imperfect; digital translation for imperfection is error. KIBO embraces this error, redefines what perfection is.

What’s up with this western ideology where we constantly have to chase for perfection? Now is the time for a new lifestyle that brings less pressure and more fun. The numbers of burnouts of Millennials are extreme. The digital revolution has been the most explosive ingredient to this problem. With an extreme fast information sharing it raised a FOMO (fear of missing out factor). We have simply forgotten about an offline world, a world without instant messaging where you can put your boss on hold. Excuse me! Let’s be honest, we still might share our Soy latte’s in our Instagram stories and create our perfect alter online.

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